Elite Athlete Problem Finding Purpose (Elite Athlete)


In this lesson, you will explore the deep connection between understanding your purpose and achieving your weight loss goals. By delving into the importance of having a clear sense of purpose, you’ll learn how this understanding can be a powerful motivator in overcoming obstacles and achieving lasting success in your journey.


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Finding Purpose

When I think of purpose, I see it as the number one obstacle between my clients and their success. Time and again, I’ve seen people stuck—overweight, lacking confidence, struggling in relationships, or unable to get out of bed. The root cause? No purpose. Without it, progress feels impossible.

You have to know why you’re here. Why were you put on this Earth? If you don’t know, finding your purpose is essential. Your life depends on it. I’m being dramatic for a reason—this truly matters. You can’t fix anything until you know your purpose.

When I ask clients what their purpose is, most of them don’t know. They’re searching, trying to find meaning in the wrong places. If weight loss is your goal, your purpose will drive you to get to the gym. It’s that simple. It’s what feeds your inner beast and keeps you moving toward your goals.

My purpose is to create a positive impact wherever I go, to inspire and guide others to live their highest potential. I aim to gain knowledge, teach truth, and show gratitude, making others feel seen and heard. My purpose is to shine for my family and the people I meet, lifting spirits, leading by example, and honoring those around me.

Your purpose should be bold, guided by your true desires. Let’s find out if you have a strong enough purpose to drive you forward.

“He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche


ACTIVITY: Uncover your Purpose


Answer the questions on Page 35 in your workbook to uncover your true purpose! 

NOTE: We Will Use These Answer Later!

How To Find Purpose

Do you have a sense of purpose? If not, it’s time to dig deep. Purpose is about connecting to something bigger than yourself. When you find your purpose, you’ll find people walking alongside you, all striving for the same things.

Using Your Purpose

Now that you’ve answered these questions, take your answers and write two stories based on your “super you.” Use these stories to drive your purpose forward, creating a future that aligns with your true self.

I had a client who couldn’t get started because she lacked purpose. She thought it was about weight loss, but the truth was her motivation was missing. Once we uncovered her purpose, everything changed.

Do you feel stuck doing things that don’t excite you? I see this time and time again with my clients. They’re caught in routines, driven by necessity, not passion. But here’s the truth—your purpose is built around what lights you up, what makes you feel alive. It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving, doing what you love, and living with intention. This simple assessment helps you identify the kind of work that excites you, the kind of life you would lead if money wasn’t an issue. By understanding your passions, you can begin to uncover your true purpose and create a life that aligns with what truly matters to you.

Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? These existential questions have fascinated humanity for centuries, sparking debates among religions, philosophers, and scientists alike. While these discussions often focus on the meaning of life as a whole, the search for purpose is deeply personal. How you perceive your own purpose can profoundly shape not just your legacy but also the quality and longevity of your life.

We often hear stories of individuals who, after experiencing tragedy or hardship, emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. Their struggles become the catalyst for a more meaningful life, proving that finding purpose can transform even the most challenging circumstances into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

What To Do

Follow the following prompts in Pages 36-38 in your workbook.

If money wasn’t an issue for you, what would you love doing?

How do you see yourself in the photo? What do you spend your time doing?

What are your passions?



What To Do

What was your dream when you were 9? It’s probably been a while since you have though of it. But it’s time to take a trip down memory lane.

On page 39 of your workbook, write down what your dream was when you were a child. 



Purpose Continued | Page 37-40

ACTIVITY | Continue To Learn Your Purpose. 

Understanding your purpose can be found in time, or the lack there of. If you are truly enjoying what you do, you lose track of time while doing it. What do you get lost in?

Purpose in Activity

The assessment below is designed to help you identify the activities where you lose track of time—those things that naturally engage you and bring you joy. These are the activities you truly desire or love to do. By understanding what makes you lose yourself in the moment, you’re taking a step closer to discovering your unique purpose. Your purpose often aligns with the things that excite and energize you, and recognizing these passions will help guide you toward a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

LOSE TRACK OF TIME | Workbook Page 41

ACTIVITY | Determine what you love. You get lost in it!

Understanding your purpose can be found in time, or the lack there of. If you are truly enjoying what you do, you lose track of time while doing it. What do you get lost in?


NOTE | No need to download if workbook availble.

If you feel like you don’t have a purpose, you’re not alone. Take Joe, for example. Joe had no motivation and couldn’t even articulate what his purpose was when I asked him. He felt stuck, unsure of how to reignite his spark. Sound familiar?

To get Joe thinking, I asked him a simple question: “What did you dream of being as a child?” He thought for a moment and said, “A musician.” I asked if he played an instrument, and he said, “Yes, the guitar—but I don’t play anymore.” He told me he used to dream of playing small bar gigs. So, I asked him, “If I were a genie and could grant you one wish, what would it be?” Without hesitation, Joe said, “To write an inspirational song.”
That was all it took to get started. I challenged Joe to pick up his guitar every night, start building a setlist for a future gig, and spend 10 minutes each day writing an original song. Within a year, he was putting his name on apps for musicians, booking gigs, and performing a 30-song set—two of which were his own originals. Joe rediscovered his purpose, and it completely changed how he viewed his life, from his job to his family to his overall happiness. His purpose wasn’t gone; it was just buried. He just needed a little push to uncover it.

What about you? Do you feel like your purpose is out of reach, or maybe even nonexistent? Purpose isn’t just about having a special talent or gift; it’s about connection. Psychologists have found that a strong sense of purpose often comes from setting meaningful, long-term goals—goals that can impact others, like teaching, creating, or contributing to a bigger cause. It’s no coincidence that purpose is linked to better mental and physical health. When you find your purpose, you often find a community of people moving in the same direction.

So, here’s the real question: What’s your purpose? What lights you up? Let’s dig in and discover it together. You might just find that it’s been there all along, waiting for you to pull it into the light.

What To Do

Look at the 2 images on Page 42 in your workbook and respond to the prompt.



Finding your 3 biggest problems is essential for uncovering your purpose because these problems highlight what may be blocking you from living your full potential. By recognizing these challenges, you can start to see how they’re connected to your deeper desires and use them to fuel your journey forward.

PROBLEMS TO PURPOSE | Workbook Page 43

ACTIVITY | Determine a plan to make your problems work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

Knowing your purpose in life or at least the direction in which your purpose is leading you is a way to plan out some steps for action. Keeping that purpose in focus will allow you to better plan and execute moving forward. The first step is getting your problems to work for you instead of against you, but you have to be the one to determine how that can happen.

NOTE: It’s a simple shift in mentality. For example, if you suffer with commincation, and this has been a big problem in your life, you can make it work for you! Simply by being determined to communicate effectivley with the people in your life you need to to achieve your goals. 

What To Do

Look at the word clouds on pages 44 and 45 in your workbook. Answer the prompts to reflect on your purpose further.



Now that you’ve identified your problems, you need to reflect and put them all in one place on page 52 in your workbook. You will reference these throughout the course. 

 That’s no small feat. This is the foundation for everything you’re about to build. Look at how far you’ve already come. What might have felt like roadblocks before are now stepping stones. That’s a huge shift.

LIST YOUR PROBLEMS | Workbook PageS 46-52

ACTIVITY | List your problems. 

Congratulations—you’ve made it through Chapter 1! Take a second to let that sink in. You’ve done some serious work—digging into what’s been holding you back, looking at your mindset, and starting to uncover your purpose.

Now it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to the fun part. In Chapter 2, you’re flipping the script. You’re moving from figuring out the “why” to mapping out the “how.” But first, let’s get everything you’ve uncovered so far in one place. Pull all those insights together in your workbook so you have a clear, big-picture view. Trust me, this is going to be your go-to reference as we start creating solutions and real action steps that align with your goals.

This is where the magic happens. You will be turning all that self-reflection into serious momentum. Let’s dive into Chapter 2 and start building the life you’ve been dreaming about. You’ve got this—I’m with you every step of the way.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

– Mark Twain

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