Elite Athlete Action Rocketshipping (Elite Athlete)


In this lesson, you’ll learn to overcome hesitation and self-sabotage through the “Rocketshipping” technique, a metacognitive tool that helps you act on goals without overthinking. By using a simple 3-2-1 countdown, you’ll break the cycle of procrastination, push past discomfort, and take immediate action. This method is designed to disrupt old habits, retrain your brain, and help you accomplish more. With Rocketshipping, you’ll become more consistent and empowered, taking decisive steps toward your goals each day.


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Do you find yourself talking yourself out of a solid plan or action you’ve set for yourself? It’s Monday, and you’re feeling great as you follow your plan to the letter, getting to the gym, sticking to your meals. Tuesday rolls around, and you’re sore but motivated, still pushing forward. But then, Wednesday hits. The soreness is kicking in, and you’re starting to feel tired. You’re thinking, “Maybe it’s better to rest today so I can have more energy tomorrow.” And that work project? Well, it’s overdue, and you’re behind. Suddenly, you’re making excuses and talking yourself out of it. Why is this happening after just two solid days?

Your brain is tricky. It’s wired to keep you safe, and your brain doesn’t want you to take risks. It doesn’t want you to push through discomfort because discomfort feels unsafe. Your brain wants you to stay in your comfort zone, even if that means sticking to old, familiar habits—even if those habits keep you stuck.
Your neural pathways are like well-worn paths in a field. At first, it’s uncomfortable to walk through the grass to get to the grocery store, but after a few times, the path becomes clear and easy. Now, a new store opens up down the road, and even though it promises new things, the thought of walking through the long, itchy grass to get there feels daunting. Your brain would rather stick to the old path, the one you know, even if it’s not taking you where you want to go.

Here’s the problem: as we get older, our habits get harder to change. We start avoiding risks and new paths. But to make real change, you need to break through those old patterns and use your thoughts to break free from the brain’s sabotage. That’s where Rocketshipping comes in.

Rocketshipping is a technique to interrupt those default patterns. It’s a metacognition tool—a fancy way of saying it’s a research-backed tool that helps you beat your brain to get the results you want. It’s how you stop procrastinating and start moving into action—NOW. It helps you build new neural pathways that get you out of hesitation and into action, every time.

#1 Calories Burned

Whenever you feel that hesitation or doubt creeping in, count backward from 5 to 1. This simple countdown interrupts your brain’s default thinking and focuses your mind on taking action. When you stop thinking and just move, your body starts to follow, and your mind will eventually fall in line.

It’s that simple. If you’re about to make the healthy choice or take the step toward your goal, count down: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—and then do it. When you count down and move, you’re setting yourself up for success. Every time you hesitate and stop to think, you give your brain time to convince you to stay stuck. But when you take action, you win

#1 Calories Burned

You’ve counted down, now MOVE. Don’t give your brain time to talk you out of it. Move your body, and your brain will follow. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to act. But when you move—whether that’s getting to the gym, starting a meal prep, or taking that first step—you’ll feel the momentum kick in.

Before you start, clarify your goal. Remind yourself why you’re doing this, why it matters, and why it will lead to growth. This fuels you to take action, and the countdown becomes your tool for making progress, no matter what the brain tries to throw at you.

I’ve been using this technique for over 27 years, and it’s a game-changer for my clients. The biggest struggle for most of them isn’t their bodies—it’s their minds. Their thoughts are chaotic, self-sabotaging, and resistant to change. Rocketshipping flips that script. It activates your prefrontal cortex, the part of your brain that controls decision-making, and helps you make the right choices.

#1 Calories Burned

Nike’s slogan, “Just do it!”, is a prime example of this mindset. Don’t overthink—just do. Rocketshipping is your personal tool to make it happen. Whenever you feel that spark of action—go. Whether it’s getting up to exercise, taking that difficult phone call, or making the healthy choice at lunch, Rocketshipping is the push you need to get started.

The more you use Rocketshipping, the more you’ll accomplish in one day than you ever thought possible. This is the shift that’s going to transform how you approach your goals and life. You’ll feel more confident, energized, and ready to take on anything.

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

– Michael Jordan

Lift Off!

Where do you need to take off like a rocket in your life? Where are you stuck, hesitating, or freezing? Let’s look at your day-to-day. Are there tasks, whether big or small, that cause you to freeze up? Is it that first step to the gym? Or maybe it’s tackling your meal prep?

Write those down. Then, every time one of those tasks comes up, use Rocketshipping: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1—ACT. The self-awareness you gained by identifying these obstacles will help you break free from them. Don’t let hesitation hold you back from your goals any longer. Take that first step and keep moving forward!
Rocketshipping is about action, and with action, everything else will follow. The more you practice, the more success you’ll see. Let’s rocket into your future, one countdown at a time!

“Remember to reach for the stars, and they won’t be able to resist flying into your hands!”

– Katherine McNamara


Rocketshipping is your tool for taking immediate action. By using the 5-4-3-2-1 countdown, you interrupt hesitation and push yourself into motion, building momentum toward your weight loss goals. It’s about breaking the habit of procrastination and making progress even when your brain wants to stop.

This method is essential for your success because action is key. Every time you act instead of overthinking, you move closer to your goal. Now, let’s dive into coaching and motivation to keep that momentum strong and ensure you stay on track.

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