In this lesson, you’ll explore the power of creating a personal mantra as a “tool for the mind” to reinforce positivity and motivation. A mantra will help you stay focused on your goals and navigate challenges by rewiring your mindset. Through guided exercises, you’ll craft a mantra that aligns with your values and goals, serving as a daily reminder of your purpose and fueling your journey toward lasting change. Embrace this simple but powerful tool to center yourself and stay connected to your vision, even during tough times.
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Coaching & Motivation
Be Your Own Coach
“Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast, or a bridge player.”
– Bill Gates
To succeed, you need to motivate yourself—especially when it gets tough. The best coaches inspire people to push further than they thought possible. And you need to learn how to do that for yourself, especially when you feel like quitting. Developing a self-coaching and motivation system will keep you on track toward your goals. I’m here to guide you, but ultimately, you’re the one in charge. The work is yours, and the success is yours.
When you’re sitting on the couch, staring down Ben & Jerry’s, you’re the only one who can coach yourself out of that moment. This is where self-coaching comes into play.
The Power Of Self Coaching
We all need coaching every day. Whether you’re learning a new skill at work, trying a new sport, or working on your personal growth, coaching provides direction when you need it most. But self-coaching? That’s harder. It’s easier to stick to what you’ve always done—even if it hasn’t been working. Your internal dialogue is your coach. It needs to guide you toward what you’ve learned and remind you of your goals.
It’s about becoming the coach in your head. And like with any skill, it takes practice. At first, it may feel awkward, but the more you coach yourself, the easier it gets.
Legendary Coaches And Their Wisdom
Think about the great coaches. Phil Jackson used meditation to help players focus and stay calm under pressure. Bill Belichick kept it simple: “Do your job.” John Wooden’s rule was, “Don’t whine, don’t complain, and don’t make excuses.” These philosophies teach us something important: progress comes when you stay focused on what you control.
These coaches didn’t just teach skills—they taught mindsets. They built champions, not just athletes. And that’s what you’re doing here. You’re learning how to coach yourself to success.
Motivation Matters
Champions aren’t born—they’re made. Whether it’s Confucius or Mahatma Gandhi, the world’s great thinkers understood the power of mindset. Your thoughts shape your reality, and that’s why you need to keep them positive. Stay focused on your goals, and remind yourself why they matter.
Internal VS External Motivation
Are you motivated by internal drive or external factors? Internal motivation is about doing things for yourself, without needing others to push you. External motivation comes when you need that extra push—like working out with a trainer or joining a fitness class.
Both types are valuable. Understanding what motivates you helps you stay on track. But don’t forget: consistency is key. It doesn’t matter if you’re internally or externally motivated; what matters is that you stick to the plan.
Action Steps:
- Identify what motivates you.
- Write down the reasons you’re doing this.
- Revisit your list daily to remind yourself why you’re working toward these goals.
Daily Action Plan | PAGE 84-85
ACTIVITY | Let’s build you up coach!
let’s find traits of others that inspired you to be great!
Step 1
On page 84 of your workbook, write down who your favorite coach or teacher was, and why?
Step 2
Do you coach yourself the same way that person did? Why or why not?
Step 3
List 5 traits of that person that inspired you.
Step 4
List 5 ways that you could be more like your favrotie coach from step 1.
Step 5
Now on page 86, using those traits, explain what you will do in each listed section. Coach yourself! And reflect on how the coaches that inspired you would ask you to do the same.
Are you ready to be your own coach? Do you feel a little nervous about pushing yourself forward, unsure if you have what it takes? Well, you’ve come this far, and now it’s time to put all the knowledge you’ve gained into action. Up until now, it’s all been information on paper, but now it’s time for real change. Remember, every person has the ability to coach themselves. It doesn’t matter if you’ve avoided taking the lead in your life before—when you tap into your inner strength, you can rise up and take action. That fire of empowerment is inside you. YOU GOT THIS!
Let’s break this down and get clear. Write down the traits that help define you. What are your strengths? When have you been successful in the past? Let’s work through these questions and be honest with yourself. Use this as your foundation for the future.
Coaching – Self Assessment | Workbook Page 86-88
ACTIVITY | Deep Dive into you as a coach for yourself.
Step 1
Mentally prepare for some heard questions. But also be prpared to give deep, thought out, honest answers. Cookie cutter answers to sawzaw questions will get no where. ANSWER HONESTLY!
Step 2
Answer all the questions on pages 86 – 88 on your workbook.
Step 3
Read back to yourself each question and answer. Ponder, think, evaluate, and self assess.
EXTRA CREDIT! Send yourself a card or letter saying how much you appreciate all you are doing to achieve your goals.
Motivation & Internal Voicemail
Imagine your thoughts as voicemail messages that you can either save or erase. The negative messages you hear over and over? It’s time to erase them for good. Only keep the ones that empower you, the ones that lift you up. You have the power to pull the plug on the negativity and choose the thoughts that support your goals and growth.
Now go ahead, delete the negativity, and replace it with confidence and motivation. This is your time. You’ve got this!
You’ve learned a lot in this chapter—how to be your own coach, how to stay motivated, and how to embrace the power of mindset. The key takeaway is that YOU are in control of your journey. It’s your internal dialogue that will keep you moving forward, and no one can push you harder than you can push yourself. By reflecting on what motivates you, and using powerful tools like self-coaching, you’ve taken a major step toward your goals.
Now, let’s shift gears. As you continue building momentum, remember that balance is the foundation for long-term success. It’s not just about pushing yourself to work harder or go further—it’s about finding the right equilibrium that supports your progress in every area of life.
Next, we’re going to dive into how balance plays a crucial role in maintaining motivation and achieving your goals. Ready to take everything you’ve learned so far and integrate it into a balanced, sustainable lifestyle? Let’s go!