Elite Athlete Accountability Plan for Success (Elite Athlete)

You’ll learn to create a structured, actionable plan for weight loss and fitness, identify personal triggers, and build a balanced schedule. You’ll achieve accountability, resilience, and a clear roadmap to stay on track, overcome setbacks, and maintain long-term success with confidence.

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In addition to being necessary for success, a plan offers structure, predictability, and accountability. You know what to do and what not to do in advance. You have no excuses. A plan makes you accountable for the outcomes and serves as a map for achieving your goals. Without a plan, you will meander through the fog, not knowing where you are going or how to get there.

Some people resist establishing definable objectives or creating a plan to get there. It seems that some people would rather do just about anything other than sit down and define their goals and plans. I will tell you right now, without a plan, you have a 0% chance of succeeding at losing weight or getting fit.

If you wanted to start a business and needed money from a bank, you’d have to provide documentation about the type of business you intended to establish, its potential, and what kind of a payoff could be expected. The same holds true for achieving your goals. Only in this case, the business is YOU. Ask yourself:


It is as simple as needing a well-thought-out plan. In fact, a plan is the most important reason why 80% of my clients keep their weight off long-term, versus the 1% of people using different, ineffectual methods.

Why Do I Need a Plan? The Rest of My Life Is Fine!

I have heard many people say, in one form or another:

“I am so great in every other area of my life. I have a successful career, I am responsible, I am admired, I am in control…well, except when it comes to eating. It is the one thing I cannot control.

For some people who are high achievers and have all the details of their life under wraps, eating becomes a safety valve – a way to deal with the stresses that come from such an orderly, controlled life.

Overeating is the symptom, showing us the person is not in control, does not have a handle on things, and it is all an illusion. Overeating becomes a message for someone to examine his or her entire life, not just this one aspect.

A plan allows you to take a deep look at what you are really about and create a reasonable, doable plan for becoming the person in body, mind, and spirit that you have always wanted to be.

The Plan Helps You Self Coach

This goes back to self-coaching: how you want to be coached.

You create the plan and coach yourself by making sure you stay on course. Like anything any of us do, you will not be perfect. You will have small failures along the way. But with a plan in place, you can quickly get back on course. If you do not have a plan, you will see a small failure as an overall failure and quit because you have nothing to fall back on. If you do have a plan, you know exactly what your goals are and how you are going to achieve them…no matter what.

Creating Your Success Plan

Your odds of succeeding improve when you create a success plan. The definition of “planning” states that it is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. If you think about it, this could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To me, it means direction. It means identifying what I have to get done.

You have to have a plan! How many times have you heard that before? Now, don’t make a plan just for the sake of making a plan. You make a plan to focus you, to move you forward. Your plan has to contain action to be any good; otherwise, you’ll just have analysis paralysis.

To be successful, you need to know what your next step is. It should be a clearly defined process. It all comes down to your plan. Success is created by making plans for the future, then acting on that plan every day. If you have clarity, then you can move faster. This doesn’t mean that things won’t disrupt your plan or make you change them. Your plan is your guide, your blueprint.

Reasons why you need a plan:

  1. Gives you clear direction
  2. Eliminates distractions
  3. Prevents scatterbrain
  4. Allows you to keep yourself accountable so you are moving in the direction of your goals

As you formulate your plan, ask yourself what are your non-negotiables. What do you stand for? The actions you take on a daily and long-term basis should reflect what you value. It seems simple enough, but people can act in direct opposition to what they believe in.

Your Battle Plan

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

⎯ Friedrich Nietzsche

Imagine if an army went to war without a battle plan in place. You would expect failure, right? Failure wouldn’t just be probable; it would be definite. The same holds for a business, and the same holds for you. If you do not have a solid plan that you can follow to ensure your success, you will ultimately fail. You may have some successes along the way, but in the end, the weight will come back, and you will be back exactly where you started. I have learned this the hard way in terms of my weight loss, fitness goals, and my business.

ASSESSMENT Your Battle Plan | Workbook Page 94

ACTIVITY | Create your battle plan. 


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Your Life Plan

Your overall purpose and goals in life. This is a big, macro look at what you want out of life.

What do you want in your career?

For your family?

For your life?

For your health?

This is the plan that gets you closer to a completed cycle of action. Goals, targets, dreams.

The thoughts you think control everything, and you need to focus on them. One little shift in your thinking can create a mental trigger that drives new actions. Affirming what is possible daily creates the motivation to act.

What do you need to do every day to create your life plan?

What are you going to do today? Write it down. Every time you write out your day, you’ll have more direction and certainty. Planning your day gives you control over it. This leads to control over your customers or contacts, which equals income. And this strengthens your sales plan.

If you can’t exert control, you can’t make a prediction. You have to take responsibility for your life by controlling it. Using these three plans will create certainty in your life, which leads to more confidence. When you are confident, you feel motivated – that’s when you stop thinking and take action. Success is a process. Follow the steps and put in the work.

The “Oh Shit Factor”

The “Oh Shit Factor” is about understanding that everyone—yes, everyone—experiences weight fluctuations. The only guarantee I can make is that at some point, you will gain some weight. Whether that’s 5 pounds or 50 pounds depends on your accountability system and mindset. Life isn’t perfect, and trying to stick to a perfect plan often sets people up for failure. What matters is having a system that catches you when you slip, so a small dip doesn’t turn into a freefall.

The key to making this system work is identifying your personal trigger points—the specific signs that tell you it’s time to activate your “Oh Shit” Plan. For one person, that might be gaining 5 pounds. For another, it could be skipping workouts for four days in a row. Everyone’s first red flag is different, and recognizing yours is essential.

Think about your past setbacks. What typically starts the downward spiral for you? Is it missing workouts, indulging too much on the weekends, or letting stress push you toward unhealthy habits? Instead of letting these triggers send you rolling all the way down the hill, your Oh Shit Plan is designed to catch you at a specific point and push you back up.

Examples of Personal Triggers That Activate the Oh Shit Plan:

Once you identify your trigger, you need a clear “Oh Shit” Plan that immediately shifts you back into action.

ASSESSMENT Your “Oh Shit” Plan | Workbook Page 94

ACTIVITY | Create your “Oh Shit” Plan.


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Scheduling For Success

A well-balanced schedule is your strongest tool for long-term success. Without structure, even the best intentions fall apart. Every scheduled event—work, exercise, meals, family time, and social activities—should be treated as a non-negotiable priority in your day.

Balance isn’t about making everything equal—it’s about making sure everything has a place. Work may take up a large portion of your time, but that doesn’t mean your health, relationships, and personal growth should be an afterthought. The key is planning ahead so that fitness, nutrition, and personal well-being don’t get pushed aside.

At the end of Chapter 3, I discussed life balance—ensuring that each part of your life gets the attention it needs without feeling overwhelmed. If you don’t make time for exercise, meal prep, and personal growth, they won’t happen. This is why you need to schedule everything with intention—because when something is on your calendar, you are far more likely to follow through.

ASSESSMENT Scheduling | Workbook Page 96

ACTIVITY | Map out your schedule, and make sure al parts of your life are balanced


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Your Success

You’ve created a feasible goal of what a more fulfilling life means for you, and you’re equipped to reach it. You will have small failures along the way, but with a plan in place, you can quickly get back on course. That’s the biggest factor when it comes to long-term success stories. If you do not have a plan, you will allow problems to create a wall, realizing you didn’t prepare possible solutions.

Having a plan means you know exactly where you are going, and you are prepared to navigate the pitfalls along with the triumphs. Your plan should factor in how you’ll handle obstacles when they occur.

Don’t assume that you’ll be strong and clear-headed at the moment. Look over your answers in the Problem section to find clues about your insecurities and sore spots.

Look over your recent Inner Dialogue work to remind yourself of negative comments that you’ll pick up under stress.

Coach yourself through this part with enthusiasm!

Not only will you have the correct tools in your toolbox for when repair is needed, but you’ll also feel powerful and capable. You won’t be concerned about flops and pitfalls with such realistic, fulfilling plans at your fingertips.

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