Elite Athlete Orientation Orientation (Elite Athlete)

Welcome to The Weight Loss Warrior Orientation!

Purpose Of This Video


Who am I?
Hey, I’m Eric! I’m the creator and founder of Live In Fitness Retreat & The Fit Culture Academy.

I have been in the fitness and weight loss industry since 1997. This Complete Lifestyle change program I’ve built, that has served 100’s of thousands of people, started from humble beginnings – maybe just as humble as where you are right now.

I created this program to give you the most efficient and effective path to get you to live your ideal life in your ideal body, by creating a plan that works for you. I have learned every lesson you can learn and I’ve taken all of my experience, proven strategies, and time-tested tactics to create the bulletproof strategy inside of this program.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about living my purpose, in a life and body that I love, it’s that it takes hard work, but the process is surprisingly simple and repeatable.

Since starting Live In Fitness Retreat in 1997, I have worked with clients in 47 different countries around the world and have seen my clients go from overIight, unhappy, and limiting their lives; to being fit, healthy, happy & living their best lives, all while becoming the go-to authority in the fitness & weight loss industry for people seeking the ansIrs on how to make profound & sustainable change in their lives. I’ve been fortunate to be featured in media like The Doctors, Fox Sports, TLC, Dr Phil, Rachael, and more and have worked with Professional Sports teams including the Los Angeles Clippers and Los Angeles Dodgers as Ill.

Why am I sharing this? Because it’s important for you to know that I started from zero.

But I didn’t give up. I was on a mission:

What Is Your Mission?

Your mission is simple: Execute this program STEP-BY-STEP.

I’ll be blunt: Saying, “I already know this,” is the fastest way to kill any dream or vision you have.

Let’s be honest—if you had it all figured out, you wouldn’t be here. So, stay curious, stay humble, and trust the process. If it’s included in this program, it’s there for a very intentional reason. Every client who has followed this program to a T has seen the growth and results they wanted—and I know you can too.

Got it? Great!

Why is This Program Called The Weight Loss Warrior?

From this moment forward, I want you to shift your mindset.

This entire program centers around my signature The Blueprint Method, which is broken up into 4 Phases.


Please understand that the following Statement will affect you getting to your HERO self.

You are not a special snowflake.

Both of These Statements are True.

What do I mean?

Your Program Is 2 Parts

If you are familiar with this program, you know I have a lot of client case studies, so many I dedicated an entire Blog Page to them. Those results don’t happen by accident, they happen because my clients follow the program step-by-step. So, if you ever need a reminder of what’s possible, I encourage you to stop by my results channel.

Yes, this program has drastically changed people’s bodies, but more importantly – I’ve watched my clients:

And the list goes on and on…

The HERO outcome of this program is to Get Fit & Love Yourself & Your LIfe..

You never have to go back again, allowing you to elevate your life, impact on others and the world without feeling deprived or limiting your life.

The results of this program are not unique. They are not one-off, work for everybody else but you, lightning only strikes once kind of results.

The program works. You just have to DO THE WORK.

The Curriculum: Navigating the Program

congratulations—you’ve already started Section 1: Orientation. This section is here to give you an overview of the materials and how to get the most out of the program.

The Weight Loss Warrior Program includes:

The best way to achieve optimal results is to watch and execute every piece of the program in order.

Organizing Your Workbook and Assesments.

Your workbook is an editable pdf that you can edit DIRECTLY on your computer or device you are using to take the course. 

For those who want a physical copy, we recommend taking this to a local print shop to print, or to print in black and white on your local printer. 

For Windows

YouTube video

For Windows

YouTube video


Attending Coaching Clinics




Submit your questions at least 24 hours in advance for Tuesday’s call or 3 hours in advance for Wednesday’s call.


Community: Private Support Group

The private Facebook group is your space to connect with like-minded warriors on the same journey.

Join Facebook Group


As you will learn in the next lesson, one of my core values as a company and one of my expectations of you now that you have been invited into this program is radical accountability.

We have created an accountability tracker for you here, so that you can track your progress and check off action items as you go. And you can watch this quick video tutorial on how to fill it out.

Next Steps

This is your journey, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s get to work and make this your best transformation yet!


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