Weight Loss Warrior Problem Negative To Positive

In this lesson, you’ll uncover the hidden impact of negativity on your life and well-being, especially in achieving weight loss goals. We’ll explore how the concept of being a “work in progress” can help you shift from negative self-perceptions to a positive mindset, setting the foundation for consistent personal growth.

The Work In Progress Theorum

In order to understand my work-in-progress theorem, you must first understand your true problem. Is it negativity? Whatever your true problem is, how can we readjust our thinking and get our brain’s neuroplasticity to work for us? To take a positive outlook from any negative situation, we must look at ourselves and see that we are true works in progress. We can’t just say we’re working on progress (W.I.P.); we must work daily with one specific trait in mind. As you shift into the solution, you will realize this even more after you identify the problem and adapt a solution model to it.

Live each day as your work in progress. The only way to be a true work in progress is to have extreme consistency and live to a plan every day. That way, when it comes to weight loss and you feel bad about yourself and how you look, it won’t matter because you can always fall back on the positive model that you are a work in progress. I have been using work-in-progress in my life and my clients’ lives for the last 30 years. When used properly, it is a genius tool that will turn your life around and help you retrain your brain. If you use it, you will be happy; if you don’t, you’ll be unhappy. It is that simple.

Overcoming Negativity

In order to rid ourselves of negativity, we must first understand why we are the way we are. We must start becoming who we want to be. Unresolved negativity in our past often presents big hurdles in our path to change. To overcome these hurdles, we must train ourselves to believe that we are capable of overcoming our past, disallowing it from further harming us. Turning a negative into a positive is a huge step toward achieving personal growth. 85% of negative people do not think that they are. Any negativity in the brain cannot coexist with weight loss.

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

Overcoming Negativity

Since neuroplasticity is involved in how we process memories, it has a huge effect on our ability to learn and unlearn. For example, some individuals are handicapped by specific fears that fall outside of what most would consider normal. Most negative trauma fears would apply. The problem is that most people are not even able to understand that there is a fear associated with their problem.

In my life coaching lectures, when I ask who is being held back by negativity or who is negative, almost everyone feels they are not. This means they have not looked at their own negativity. You are negative if you have an irrational fear, get into a lot of arguments, can only think one way, have road rage, nightmares, avoid talking to someone, screen calls, gossip, talk about race too much, talk about others’ weight, judge people, don’t work hard, don’t pull your weight, don’t follow up on commitments, bend the rules to fit your life, or focus on small things.

What To Do

From your previous assesment in the Problem Lesson, (Page 12 of your workbook.) using the 3 probelms you found in your red boxes, write them down as a work in progress sentence. 


I am Ashamed It’s ok, I am a work in progress.

You should have a total of at least 3.


Live each day as a work in progress. Consistency and following a daily plan are key. When you feel bad about your weight or appearance, remind yourself that you are a work in progress. I’ve used this approach for 30 years with great success. It’s a powerful tool that can change your life and rewire your mindset. Use it, and you’ll find happiness; ignore it, and you won’t.

Are yOu Negative Or Positive? | Workbook Page 14

ACTIVITY | Determine if you are overall currently a negative or positive person.

Through hypothetical situations, lets determine if you are overall a negative or positive person. We will determine if you are positive in life, or negative in life.

  • Step 1

    Using the page from your work book, answer the question using a 1-5 grade scale. Be sure to answer honestly on how you would react or feel in the hypothetical situations.

  • Step 2

    Count up all your points from the answers you submitted. Use the scale to determine where you are on the positive or negative scale.

NOTE: use the scoring sytem below to determine to outcome of the assesment.

55-44 Points | You are Extremely Positive and Confident

44-33 Points | You Need a Little Work On Positivity and Confidence

32-33 Points |  You Need to Really Work on Your Confidence and Positivity.

22-5 Points | You Are In A Very Dangerous Position. It is Time to REALLY Work On Your Confidence and Positivity


NOTE | No need to download if workbook availble.

Overcoming Negativity

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself both mentally and physically through the process of forming new neural connections throughout life. Without this ability, the brain would not be able to develop from infancy to adulthood.
Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (the brain’s nerve cells) to compensate for disease and injury and to adjust their activities in response to new experiences, environment changes, behavior, thinking, and emotions.

Homeostasis refers to the internal processes that keep living things stable and alive. Negativity will throw you out of homeostasis and will not allow you to lose weight or, even better, fat.

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”

What To Do

Using your workbook, on page 15, write down and list the top 10 most important things in your life!

Be sure to rank them in order. #1 being the most important thing in your life. 


You don’t need to use all 10 spaces, but be sure to at least wite down 5-7


Your primary worry buttons will remain the same. We are not allowed to worry about the rest. What time is left for you if we worry about everyone and everything? Focus on the things you can change. Your success will be ensured by doing this.

Remember, if everything is important, nothing is. Stick to the list. You can avoid negativity by not allowing yourself to make that first excuse or immediately padding it with positive affirmations.
Failure starts with your first excuse!

Share your new outlook and intentions with a friend. Have them gently pinch you when you go off course. You will be surprised how many pinches you initially get and how they become fewer over time.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

For many years, CBT has had a profound impact on my life. CBT allows us to change our thoughts to change our behaviors. Overeating (behavior) can be changed by challenging our irrational thinking and replacing it with rational thinking. We are hindered in many ways by the way we think. Exploring some of these habits will help you break them.

Positive Substitution Examples

  • Negative: My goal was to lose ten pounds, but I lost five.
  • Positive Substitution: I’m five pounds closer to my goal.
  • Negative: I couldn’t get my favorite treadmill today; it was a complete waste of time to go to the gym.
  • Positive Substitution: Because the treadmill wasn’t available, I decided to participate in the yoga class for the first time.
  • Negative: I gained a pound this week; I may as well quit trying.
  • Positive Substitution: I’m working out and adding muscle; some weeks, I’m bound to gain weight.
  • Negative: The holidays are coming up, and I know I’m going to gain weight.
  • Positive Substitution: I will continue to work out and pursue my fitness goals during the holidays.


The key is understanding that you can change your behavior by changing your thoughts. To change your thoughts, you have to control them. To control them, you have to be in charge of what you say to yourself.

Be Your Own Cheering Section

It would be awesome if we all had a cheering section following us around all day, maybe even playing our own personalized theme music. Unfortunately, we don’t. The majority of the time, what we have following us around is our inner voice, and way too often, it’s not that motivational.

Sometimes we say things to ourselves that we would never say to our worst enemy. It’s this negative self-talk, more than anything, that undermines our success. To stay on the path toward your goals, you don’t only need to be your own cheering section, but you also have to be your own best friend, parent, coach, counselor, and overall advocate. You have to know that you’re on trial for your health, fitness, and happiness, and your defense attorney decided not to show. It’s up to you.

The first thing you need to do is be aware of what you’re saying to yourself. When we discover those things, we’re going to hold on tight to the good stuff and replace the negatives with positives.

What To Do

Keep an Inner Dialogue Journal

Stop at certain points during the day and notice what you say to yourself about yourself. Make it an appointment. Right before a meal, write down what’s going inside your mind and thoughts. Write it down in a journal and continue to pick different times throughout the day to check in with yourself. Mix it up to see how you’re feeling and what you’re saying at various points in the day.

Positive Thinking

“Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.”

Think of the best compliment you’ve ever received. It could be anything—a kind word about how you look, appreciation for something you’ve done, an expression of love, or any other words that made you feel good. Now close your eyes and sit with the memory. Hear the words in your mind. If you’re alone, say them aloud. How do you feel? Are you relaxed? Do you have a smile on your face? Do you feel happy? What is your mood? Now just hold onto this feeling and sit with it for a few more moments.

Now, I want you to do the unthinkable. Compliment yourself! Yes, you can do that. You don’t have to wait for someone else to do it. You have the power to make yourself feel appreciated, loved, sexy, and motivated. You have the power to pull the plug on negative thoughts and plug in the things you really want to hear. I know this might be new to you, so I’m going to get you started, but if you don’t want to use any of these, pick your own—they’re your compliments.

You look _______________! (fabulous, terrific, amazing, stupendous, tremendous, superb, svelte, irresistible, downright sexy, ridiculously gorgeous, freaking hot as hell)

Let’s try another one:

You are ________________! (strong, kind, loving, inspiring, dedicated, charming, hardworking, reliable, heroic, irresistible, a machine, a total badass)

Again, use your own of course. Although if “competent,” “average,” or “punctual” make your list, you may want to aim a little higher.

What To Do

On Page 16 of your workbook, I want you to compliment yourself! Fill in the blank with a compliment!

After you have filled in the blank, Say them back to yourself at least 5 times. Soak it in, and believe it!


The Benefits of Positive Thinking

  1. Longevity.
  2. Lower rate of depression.
  3. Reduced stress levels.
  4. Better sleep.
  5. Stronger coping skills.
  6. Better weight loss through homeostasis.

How to Identify Negative Thinking

  1. Polarizing: Seeing things only in terms of good or bad.
  2. Filtering out all positive aspects of a situation.
  3. Personalizing: Blaming yourself when something bad happens.
  4. Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst possible outcomes.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”

“We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.”

Positive Thinking Overview
Pinpoint Areas of Growth | Workbook Page 17

ACTIVITY | Identify Your Negative Thinking

Identify areas in your life where negative thoughts tend to creep in, and then transform those thoughts into positive, empowering statements.

Think about different aspects of your life where negativity often shows up. It could be anything from your work, daily commute, health, or relationships.

  • Step 1

    In the "Area" column. Write down the area of your life that this negative thought occurs. For example it could be Health and Fitness, Work, Home, ect...

  • Step 2

    Now in the "Negative Thought" column, write down the negative though you have in this area.


NOTE | No need to download if workbook availble.

  • Step 3

    Now let's shift those negative thoughts into positive ones. In the next section of workbook page 17, using your negative thoughts, re-write them into positive statments.


Embrace Humor and Positive Thinking

Throughout the day, take a moment to think about what you’re thinking. If your thoughts are mostly negative, try putting a positive spin on them. Be open to humor, especially during difficult times. Give yourself permission to smile or laugh. Look for humor in everyday events. Surround yourself with positive people. People in your life should be supportive and able to provide you with useful advice and feedback. Stress can be increased by negative people, making you doubt your ability to deal with it. Surround yourself with good people and positivity.

Positive Self-Talk Is Essential

Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to anyone else. Embrace yourself by being gentle and encouraging. Analyze your negative thoughts rationally, and affirm your strengths.

“With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”

Real Life Example

The true problem for many people is that they do not realize their negativity. In the past few years, several hundred of my clients have said, “I am very positive,” but we have had extreme complaints about their negativity. One client, Rae, insisted she was positive but found excuses for why her environment wasn’t right for her to be serious and take the next step. When confronted, she would deflect and make other clients feel shorted or cheated. She rated her family life as a ten, yet her roommate refused to stay with her due to her negative attitude. She was overweight by over a hundred pounds and often cut things short. Someone who might need to be removed from a group coaching program due to their negativity might need to be reevaluated.

Understanding Your Background

A huge question to ask yourself is this: Were one or both of your parents negative during your childhood? If the answer is yes, you probably have a bigger problem to deal with than you realize.

In my position as a life coach, I have seen thousands of people dealing with mental blocks. If you are negative, I am also negative, and daily, sometimes more than once, I strive to change this. Traditional therapy is based on unresolved negativity. A person cannot move forward without understanding their past and their problems relating to unresolved negativity, just as an addict realizes they are an addict. As a client service professional, I realize that every client is part of their problem. Own it as the problem. Realize what is holding you back from happiness and your dreams. Only then can you move forward!

Growth vs Fixed Mindset | Workbook Page 00

ACTIVITY | Determine the Problems True Cause.

Lets shift your mindset from a fixed mindset, to one that practices growth. Using your workbook (Page 00) let’s shift your mindset from a negative one, to a poistive one. 

  • Step 1

    First fill out the Fixed Mindset. Answering honestly some of the negative internal dialogue you have found yourself struggling with.

    NOTE: You can use your answers from the assessment on page 9 in your workbook as a start. Use the answers on the right side of the page.

  • Step 2

    Now using the example, think hard, and switch those answers into something that can help you grow in the Growth Mindset section.

    Fixed Mindest Answer | I make mistakes.
    Growth Mindset Answer | Mistakes help me grow

NOTE | No need to download if workbook availble.

Negativity is The Disease, And The Cure is Positivity

To rid ourselves of our negativity or our negative defense mechanisms, we must understand why we are the way we are and start becoming who we want to be. Defense mechanisms do not help us become the person we want to be. I’ve seen them all before: denial, acting out, dissociation, projection, and deflection. I’ve worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and while I won’t offer insider insights into their private lives, I can tell you that you’re just as guilty. You’re doing the same things. Instead of employing these negative mechanisms to cope with daily life, what you should be doing is moving towards assertiveness and taking responsibility for yourself. It’s your life. Are you expecting to live more than once?

What is Stopping You?

Let’s stop for a moment so that we can truly understand: What exactly is the problem? Why am I not having success? According to psychodynamic theory, unresolved negativity in our past often blocks us from achieving true success. This can be anything from the nature of our upbringing to any major life decision. To succeed, we must first believe we can overcome the past and not let it haunt us.

I have had thousands of clients, and the one constant roadblock is always the same: negativity. Negativity is an unconscious learned behavior. In other words, when we have a negative way of thinking, it may not even be noticeable. To shift our thoughts from negative to positive, we need to reorganize our brain, empower our subconscious mind, and rewire our brain for success.

Below is a list of common negative thoughts. Now that we have identified some of our negative thought patterns, we need to diagnose the underlying issue. The art of success is understanding what led to the problem in the first place. Projection, passive aggressiveness, and holding on to unnecessary baggage are just a few of the many things that could lead to problems having success.


Problem: I Am Not Who I Am Supposed to Be. I Am a Failure.

It is good to have standards and expectations, as long as they are reasonable. Many people set standards according to perfectionist tendencies and societal expectations. These can be impossible to live up to, causing failure-driven thought patterns that make success seem unattainable. Do you think of yourself as a failure? What expectations do you need to reevaluate?


Negative Influences

You are who you surround yourself with. If you hang out in a coffee shop, you will smell like coffee. In the same way, if you are always getting lunch with Negative Nancy, her negativity will rub off on you. The same goes for friends who drink heavily, binge on junk food, or are lazy. Those habits will rub off on you. This is not a mandate to remove people from your life. Removing problems doesn’t accomplish anything. You either solve problems or you hide from them. The longer you hide from your problem, the longer you delay its solution. Everything will be fine until the next negative person knocks on your door. Take stock of the people you surround yourself with and take necessary steps to shield yourself from their influence. What is your solution for negative influences?



As we uncover the veil of negativity in our minds that covers our worldview, it is crucial not to fall into the trap of self-pity. There may be things in your past that have been traumatic, and you rightly formed negative thought patterns to survive those situations. Those events may have been out of your control, but you can control your response from this moment forward.
Shame is the other side of that coin. When we dwell on mistakes we made in the past, we tend to mire ourselves in shame. The only thing we gain from shame is wasted energy. Take responsibility, embrace the opportunity to learn, and move forward. There is no place for victims on the path to success. The only thing we can control is how hard we work moving forward.


Knowing and understanding ourselves and our weaknesses is the first pillar in the Power of Four because identifying our problems is the first step to breaking their hold on us. Negativity and self-pity do nothing to serve you. Find a way to start acknowledging when you are falling into these bad habits. When they arise, remind yourself that you are a force to be reckoned with and that you have an attitude to work. Nothing can stop you.

Until we understand our past and problem as it relates to unresolved negativity, we are like addicts understanding that they are addicted. Only then can we move forward. I realize this every day with clients. They do not understand that they are part of their problem. Own it as the problem. Realize what is holding you back from happiness and your dreams. Only then can you move forward.

Mood Meter Analysis | Workbook Page 00

ACTIVITY | Determine how you are feeling throught the week. 

Let’s dive into the heart of the matter. One of our most effective methods for pinpointing issues is conducting a “Cause and Effect” analysis. (found on page 00 of your workbook) This technique helps us uncover the underlying causes and their impacts, allowing us to address the root of the problem effectively.

  • Step 1

    Write down your known probelms affecting your life on the Left side of the page.

  • Step 2

    Brainstorm the potential factors resulting from this issue. And example would be something like materials, People, or finances.

  • Step 3

    This would be a third step explanation.

NOTE: Make sure you list as many issues you can think of. But DIG DEEP! and be as honest and transparent with yourself as you can to achieve the best results. 

NOTE | No need to download if workbook availble.

ALERT: Make sure you have completed all assesments before completing lesson.